Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thing 2

Consider the ways in which Web 2.0 tools might change (or have already changed) your professional practice.

Web 2.0 can change education drastically. It doesn’t limit students and teachers to materials within the school or district. It lets them explore all information available on the subject they are teaching/learning.

How might you be able to use these new tools to to engage today’s “digital learners?”

I could use these tools by allowing my students to play with items that do not require reading. Items that do, could be read to them.

Why would you want to?

The technology is amazing. It broadens the accessibility of information.

How might you be able to use these tools to support your own learning?

Online courses like this one are available through many colleges. Professional journals and video are easily accessed. Today, it is easier to obtain information and continue learning than ever before.

My initial thoughts about Web 2.0 and its role in 21st Century teaching and learning.
Wow! Technology has improved so much since I was in school. Web 2.0 is amazing. I feel that it will help the US to graduate top learners.


  1. I love your comment, "It doesn’t limit students and teachers to materials within the school or district. It lets them explore all information available on the subject they are teaching/learning." There are so many "things" that are accessible to us now that we've never had access to before. Imagine allowing students to take virtual tours of a Holocaust museum while studying Anne Frank. The possibilities are endless.

  2. I too am amazed everyday at the endless possibilites and access to information the Internet offers. Students and adults from around the world being able to get information in real time on every subject imaginable is so exciting.

  3. I agree with you regarding, technology and it permiting us to obtain any and all information with ease and in real time. I also believe we have the responsibility to show our students how to search for reliable information. There are so many sites that give false or inaccurate information.

  4. I agree about the student's not being limited to the supplies of the school district. I wonder if before long textbooks as we know them will be obsolete???

