Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thing 8

  • Have you noticed the CC logo on any websites you visit? Did you wonder what it meant?
  • Do you think CC will impact the way students learn and create projects? How?
  • Do you use digital images, audio or video clips from the web in your teaching (or professional practice)?
  • Do you ever share content on the web?
  • Who owns your teaching materials?
  • What are some potential negatives for using CC?
I think Creative Commons (CC) will help me professionally because I will not have to call all of those publishers and illustrators, photographers, etc that I want to use in my classroom. In this age of technology, I find more items I would like to use and share. Since I can't contact the copyright holder, I have to use only a little bit of it. I would use more if I had the right to use more.

Students now have an option we did not have growing up. They have more information for projects and papers than we ever did. Now they also have the right to use works in their projects. That is awesome.

I do not personally share content of the Web. That is not something I have gotten into. My husband is a web designer. He keeps telling me I need to build my own website and share what I have created. But I am not ready for that yet. I have not thought about who owns my materials. I thought I did since I created them.

I have not noticed the CC logo. But I haven't looked for it either. I will look for it now that I am aware it exists.


  1. You are with most of the students in that we've never noticed the CC logo before. However, maybe we'll start actually using it now.

  2. I did notice it on one of the sites I visited today. It's amazing how when something is brought to your attention, you notice it more.
